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Quick and easy tanning products give consumers a sun-kissed finish without the mess.

The Spate Facts: Tanning Wipes

There are an average of 3.7K searches every month in the US for Tanning Wipes. This is low volume relative to other suncare and tanning products, and there has been +22.5% growth in searches since last year. At present, there is medium competition, with two market leaders: L’Oreal and Kate Somerville.

The Spate POV

The tell-tale orange patches of badly applied fake tan can be a thing of the past thanks to tanning wipes. While traditional tanning products can be tricky or time-consuming to apply, these single-use sheets lack a learning curve.

Related searches for how and tips reveal that even if they’re comfortable using tanning wipes at home, consumers want to know how to get the most out of their application. They’re also searching best and review, so brands with tanning wipes should compile testimonials reminding (and perhaps even showing) consumers why their wipes are best.

With medium competition levels, there is still opportunity for other brands to swoop in on this trend. However, broad distribution will be essential to success as consumers are looking to buy from multiple retailers including QVC, Boots, Ulta, Sephora, and CVS.

Searches for niacinamide and hyaluronic acid are up +66.6% YoY and +32.1% alongside body care, respectively. Brands looking to play in the space can combine popular skincare ingredients with tanning wipes for increased appeal.



Consumers are looking for cool toned bronzers that flatter their features and add definition.

The Spate Facts: Cool Toned Bronzer

On average there are 1.4K searches for Cool Toned Bronzer every month in the US. This is very low volume relative to other face makeup searches, although interest is rising with +72.1% growth in searches since last year. There are no market leaders, meaning there is little competition.

The Spate POV

We normally associate bronzers with warm, golden colors. As consumers become savvier about their cool undertones, they're thinking about how to use this info for a better match.

Searches for cream reveal that consumers are looking for cool toned bronzers in a flexible, blendable format to help add dimension to their complexion. This is in line with searches for cream contour, which are also up +66.0% YoY. Also worth noting, the stick product format is up +29.9% YoY within face makeup. Brands could adopt this user-friendly format for bronzers in a range of shades.

Consider what other categories consumers are searching for alongside with undertones. Lipstick is being searched alongside a variety of undertones +56.6% YoY more than last year, indicating that consumers are interested in a broader range of makeup products tailored to their complexions.



Moms are researching B.O. and how to combat these new odors.

The Spate Facts: Postpartum Body Odor

Every month there are an average of 2.4K searches in the US for Postpartum Body Odor. Compared to searches for other pregnancy concerns, this is very low volume. Despite +56.8% growth in searches since last year, there are currently no market leaders and no competition.

The Spate POV

Pregnancy and birth are tremendous upheavals that affects every part of the body, including sweat. With many overwhelming hormonal and lifestyle changes happening at once, moms need convenient, efficient ways to tackle new issues like postpartum body odor.

Searches related to postpartum body odor include terms like breastfeeding, deodorant, how long, and sweating. Searches for sweating and how long show that consumers want to know more about the normality of postpartum odor and how long they can expect it to last. Searches for deodorant show that new moms are looking for products to help neutralize the smell.

Postpartum hair loss (+15.6% YoY), breastfeeding supplements (+15.5%) and postpartum exercise (+10.7% YoY) are two other postpartum-related trends with little to no competition. The growth and lack of brand searches across these trends presents a great opportunity for new and emerging brands. Consider ways your brand can meet the needs of new moms, helping them to feel their best and indulge in some much-needed self care.


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