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Aura nails are a colorful new way for consumers to show off their energetic vibes.


The Spate Facts: Aura Nails

On average, there are 5.4K searches every month in the US for Aura Nails, which is low volume relative to other nail designs. It’s grown +33.4% in searches since last year with no competition and zero market leaders.

The Spate POV

Fans of Hailey Bieber’s chrome nails will appreciate that there’s another nail trend looming on the horizon — aura nails. Aura nails are a type of gradient nail art that resemble aura photos. They are usually done with a mix of colors. Top growing colors searched alongside nail art designs are iridescent, dark brown, periwinkle, hunter green, and silver, revealing the tones and textures consumers may be looking for when it comes to the aura nail design. While consumers often look to get this design done in salons as shown in search, aura nails can easily be done at home with the right tools. Press on nails are up +11.8% YoY, with 518.3K average monthly searches showcasing an opportunity for brands to incorporate this trendy design into their product selection.



Serum foundation is the perfect option for consumers who want a foundation with skincare benefits.


The Spate Facts: Serum Foundation

There are 7.4K searches on average every month in the US for Serum Foundation, which is low volume relative to other foundation and base products. It has grown +98.6% in searches since last year with very high competition and 7 market leaders: The Ordinary, L’Oreal, and Ilia.

The Spate POV

Skinimalism is in and consumers are on the hunt for highly effective multitasking products like serum foundation. Consumers are looking for skincare-makeup products that offer coverage alongside the benefits of ingredients like hyaluronic acid and spf. Similar products like spf tinted moisturizer (+18.9% YoY) and tinted sunscreen (+9.2% YoY) are also noticing an uptick, highlighting the broader appeal of these multifunctional products.

Related searches like radiant and brightening showcase the benefits that consumers want when it comes to a serum foundation. For brands with serum foundations, we recommend highlighting radiant and brightening language where possible. For those who don’t have a serum foundation, try promoting similar benefits offered from other products within your lineup.



Exfoliation just got a rebrand with the growing interest in dead skin cleanser.


The Spate Facts: Dead Skin Cleanser

Every month there is an average of 14.9K searches for Dead Skin Cleanser, which is medium volume relative to other searches for face products. It has grown +112.0% in searches since last year with zero market leaders and little to no competition.

The Spate POV

Marketed as a way to remove dead skin, dead skin cleanser is very similar to other exfoliation products currently on the market. However, searches for face exfoliator are down -7.5% YoY revealing a potential shift in the way that consumers are searching for this type of product.

This medium volume, rising trend presents a great opportunity for brands with exfoliators in their portfolio. No matter the type of exfoliation (ie, chemical or physical), remind consumers that your products help them get rid of dead skin specifically to attract this emerging audience.


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